For my Master's capstone project, I worked with a team of fellow students to improve the ridership projection model used by TriMet's planning team.

The project had three goals:

  1. Predict TriMet ridership by bus line more accurately than current model
  2. Create an interface to create predictions of ridership in the future.
  3. Identify bus lines that are similar to one another

Data for the project was provided by TriMet and augmented with additional sources to describe 82 bus lines.

  • 178 possible variables to predict and describe the 82 bus routes
  • Variables on population, line characteristics, crime, and race
  • Only about 4% of the data was missing and was imputed

Jan-Mar 2016
Skills Related:
Data Munging, R, Shiny, GIS, Exploratory Analysis
TriMet Ridership Projection App