Heather Bree

Data Visualization Specialst and Web Developer

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I have a passion for data communication. I love being able to engage folks' curiosity and increase their understanding of complex issues. I have produced everything from interactive data exploration applications to custom print reports. Give me all your data and let me see what I can do.

What can I Do?

The solution must fit the problem.

Data Science

Data cleaning, visualization, predictive modeling... I love diving deep into data, revealing insights, and helping you communicate those findings in the most effective way for your audience.


Backend, architecture, database design... I can build sites from the ground up, having worked with SQL and NoSQL databases, python and php, and various content management systems.

Web Design

Themes, layout, branding... I have experience with HTML, CSS, LESS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and all the tools necessary for flexible responsive design.

Graphic Design

Print layout, custom charts and graphs, logo design... I have a strong graphic design background and an eye for color and typography, as well as a deep understanding of data literacy.

My Work is Varied

There are so many ways to explore data.

Who Am I Really?

Such a data nerd.

Professional Profile

Experienced Data Scientist with a demonstrated history of working in the international affairs industry, with nonprofits, small businesses and in corporate environments. Strong engineering professional with a Master's degree focused in Predictive Analytics from Northwestern University. Comfortable with remote work, short and long term contract work, and all the project and team management tools for an efficient project lifecycle.

Data Visualization








MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

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